The bank, as at 31-03-08, had total deposits of Rs 15,156 crores while advances were at Rs 10,754 crores with total business of the bank being placed at Rs 25,910 crores. Capital Adequacy ratio of the bank as at 31-03-08 was at 13.80% while net NPAs were at 0.33%. Gross NPAs of the bank, as at 31-03-08 were at Rs 188.48 crores against Rs 321.21 crores as at 31-03-7. During FY 08, the bank had recovered NPAs of Rs 172.31 crores against the target of Rs 130 crores.
During FY 08, the total income of the bank was placed at Rs 1,434 crores with profit after tax of Rs 151.62 crores, resulting in an EPS of Rs 18.77 while book-value per share as at 31-03-08 was placed at Rs 128.43.
During FY 08, the bank had issued 2 crores equity shares at Rs 163 per share (premium of Rs 153 per share) to Qualified Institutional Investors. Due to this issue, paid-up equity of the bank increased to Rs 90.41 crores while net worth improved of Rs 1,161 crores.
For quarter ending June 08, the bank had a total income of Rs 406 crores with profit after tax of Rs 38.62 crores, resulting in an EPS of Rs 4.27 for the quarter. FY09 is likely to have an income in excess of Rs 1,800 crore with estimated PAT of Rs 175 crores, which should translate into an EPS of Rs 19.50. Expected book-value on 31-03-09 of the bank would be over Rs 140.
The bank had proposed to issue bonus in the ratio of 1 share for every 4 shares held and the record date for the same has been fixed at 17-10-08 and share would go ex-bonus from 16-10-08. The present market price of the stock at Rs 106 is cum-bonus.
The bank has total investments of Rs 4,572 crores as at 31-03-08, of which government securities are of Rs 3,590 crores while Rs 982 crores are in Debentures, shares and other investments.
The bank has strong presence in NRIs and as 31-03-08, the bank had total NRI Deposit of Rs 3,085 crores being 20.35% of the total deposit of the bank.
The present equity of the bank is at Rs 90.41 crores with face-value of Rs 10 each. FIIs are holding 43% while 12% are held by banks, insurance companies, FIs, and MFS and 45% is held by the general public. Prominent shareholders of the bank are Federal Bank (4.94%) IFC, Washington (4.80%) Goldman Sachs (3.93%) LIC (1.77%) Union Bank (1.06%) and SBI 1.02%.
Even Bank is holding 4.99% stake of Dhanlakshmi Bank, which implies an intention to acquire the bank, if feasible, at an appropriate time.
Share now ruling at Rs 98.60, had its 52 week high low of Rs 285 and Rs 87 and is now ruling at a PE of less than 6 on historic and expected earnings. Even it is available at cum-bonus and price to book-value of 0.80 : 1. All this shows great scope of appreciation in the investments in the time to come. The present market capitalization of the bank is close to Rs 950 crores, translating per branch valuation of less than Rs 2 crores.
The share qualifies a good buy at Rs 98.60, which has potential to rise to Rs 140 in the next 12 months with minimum downside.