If we look at NHPC company stock analysis, there is nothing much to discuss stock fundamentals since the company has recently came out with its IPO and that it's stock has just got listed in the stock market.
On the day of its listing, it reached a high of Rs 39.70 and since then started falling and ultimately reached a low of Rs 29.85 in early November. From Rs 29.85, the share rallied upto Rs 33.40 but before it could go further up, and increased selling pressure pushed it back.
This stock has recently rallied a bit and reached at 36 today. This seems to be on the back of recent news of NHPC Limited Announcement of Agreement For Preparation Of DPRs. In stock technical analysis terms, recent move shows that the worst is seemingly over for the scrip and it may appreciate in price though slowly and gradually over a period of time.
Buy stocks in small quantities and hold for more than a year for best investment return.